Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hanukkah Socks

In regards to LavA's post over at the Huffle Sock KAL, I'm attempting to do my first real chart design... so hopefully it'll work out okay.

I looked around on ravelry and I found there really wasn't much there in the way of Hanukkah socks... hence verifying what LavA said.

I've never done much designing before and I'd really like to work with a dreidel motif for this project.

And no, I've never made a pair of socks before. So it'll be an adventure. I'm making a pair of green and grey House socks for me. Slytherin socks! Woot!!!

And no, I'm not Jewish, either. Nor do I celebrate Hanukkah. I just think this would be a totally awesome project to undertake.

If nothing else, it would be a good lesson in charting patterns.

As an aside, I'm happy that my little RAOK arrived safely. I got a note from Andromeda today. ^_^

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I haven't updated in awhile, but I've finished the Fibonacci striped bag I made and I'm going to be statrting a plethora of Christmas gifts for people... including two for a certain someone. Unfortunately, things in life are conspiring against me and I won't be able to knit much over the next week or so because of school committments and the like.

So that's where I've been. If you need to reach me, either leave a comment here or if you're on ravelry, you can contact me through there as well.